Lidgett Park Methodist Church     Website Policy

Primary Purposes | Editorial Policy

The website serves Lidgett Park Methodist Church in the Leeds North and East Circuit (27/02) of the Leeds District of the Methodist Church in Great Britain.
The church is recognised by the Charities Commission as a registered charity, number

Please send corrections, reports of technical faults, minor additions, links to Methodist sites, photos, calendar information, news items and accompanying pictures to John Summerwill, the webmaster who designed the site: (tel: 0113 269 7895).

Primary Purposes

Editorial Policy

Contact Details
Addresses will not be included for individuals unless they specifically request inclusion.

The non-personal email addresses of organisations that meet on church premises will be included without seeking approval. The names, phone numbers and email addresses of key contact persons will be included subject to their approval.

To safeguard email addresses from spammers, the addresses are encrypted so that a spambot harvester cannot read them. They appear to be normal, but if you view the source code you will see that they are unreadable there. 


The permission of those photographed should be obtained if they are named on the website. Normally this can be done by telling people at the time a picture is taken that it will be used on the website.

In the case of photographs of children, parental approval will be needed for their inclusion, and children will not be identified by name.


As far as possible, pages are designed to meet Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) standards, which are designed to take account of the needs of people with various sorts of visual impairments and those who depend on audio systems. The standards are highly exacting and there is some conflict of interest in that techniques that may benefit some users may disadvantage others, particularly people using older equipment and software. Some compromises are therefore necessary. The website will be suitable for the vast majority of users as it has:

For further information about this website email the Webmaster: John Summerwill
© copyright Lidgett Park Methodist Church 2021